I love to scrapbook. I also love to coupon and save money. So here's where I will share deals I might find or just anything that comes to mind.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Almost to 2010
So I didn't get the things done that I wanted to but I'd like to share them here.
I am making a bunch of this Junior Legal Pads and Post It note covers for coworkers. I didn't get them all finished and am still working on them. They are so easy to make.
I have another set that I didn't have time to take a picture of to post here but you get the gist. The idea comes from some that I saw in the SCS gallery as well as the tutorial there. I used my Lattice nestabilities on the one on the right. I think it makes a very pretty back up to the rubber stamp saying that I used. The papers are ones that I had put away and not remembered until I did the old organizing trick. And look what you find!!!
That is the link to the tutorial. Make some. They are really easy. If you look further down, you will see the tutorial at SCS for the Post It notes as well.
See you in the New Year!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Neat blog
Well it's been a great Saturday!
Other than that, I'll get back to my crafting. I'm probably going to work on it some more tomorrow while helping my daughter write her 500 word journal for English class. She's getting very good at this. I love having at least one of my children going to college. It's wonderful to see her getting an education especially since her life was changed by a brain injury before her 17th birthday.
At some point I would love for people to understand that people who have a brain injury are not mentally disabled. They don't have learning disabilities. They have a brain injury. I find it offensive to see people use the term "brain damaged". It makes it sound like the person is damaged. There are so many people with brain injuries. There are so many that are like my daughter who are among us and you would never guess that they are injured and that their whole lives have changed. Yet because of some differences, they are looked on as "strange" or "stupid" or even (I despise this awful word) "retarded." Sorry, but maybe, before you open your mouth, you should read up on how brain injury can affect people and start showing them a little more kindness and treating them as human beings. In any case, isn't that how we should all treat each other? We are, after all, all God's children.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Easel Cards

I saw other people doing these cards and thought they looked gorgeous and easy so I decided to try my hand at them. They didn't turn out so bad.
This card was the first one I made. I used Spellbinders Nestabilities Labels Four for the label. The phrase is a stamp that I have from Inkadinkado's autumn stamps. I found the pumpkins I found on a coloring page on the internet. I used my prismacolor pencils and baby oil to color them. Then I used Glossy Accents on the leaves and Scattered Straw Distress Stickles on the bottom of the pumpkins.
The card below I used my Swiss Dots CB embossing folder for the background strip. I used my Lattice Nestabilities because I just love how beautiful those are. The apple basket was another image I found on a coloring page site. I just love those pages. I used my prismacolor pencils and baby oil to color it. I used Burgundy stickles on the apples in the basket. I used Eucalyptus Stickles on the leaves. I used Walnut Stain Distress stickles on the branch. I used my tags from Spellbinders for the label. The ribbon is one I found on sale at Michaels as was the big crystal brad. The paper is just cute with all the apples. It was part of an autumn pack that I found on sale at Michaels as well.

As you can see, I rarely pay much attention to what paper I use from where. I have so much of it and take it out of the packs so quickly that I hardly ever remember. I do know that I have been purchasing Recollections cardstock because I really like the colors they have out now. You can purchase it at Michaels.
Well toodles for today, people!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Purse Box and Stand up Card for a friend
My coworker and friend had her 50th birthday last Friday. Over the weekend I had found the directions for this cute little purse box in one of my Papercraft magazines and I wanted to try it out. I think it turned out very nice and she loved it. She also loved the card as well.
This is another picture of the both of them but with the reverse side of the card.
This is a close up of the card itself. I used Ranger Ink Crackle Paint on the chipboard numbers. I got the free digital stamp from a post on SCS where someone had this beautiful vase of flowers and was offering the free digital stamp. I colored it with prismacolors and used baby oil as well. Then I took Glossy Accents to make the image plump up and shine.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fall has come!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
So in order to get back into the mood to do papercrafting, I have been reading blogs all over the place. There are some amazing crafters out there. I would love to be as good as they are. But you have to invest time into it and not lose your enthusiasm for the craft and right now, that's what has happened to me. But I feel the urge to papercraft coming back.
October 3rd is World Cardmaking Day. Papercrafts Magazine is having a contest and I plan on entering it. I hope I can win. That would be nice to get one of those prize packages.
Have you ever just wandered around online looking at stamping stores and other papercrafting stores online? It's amazing. I finally got a book and started writing down my "wishes". Hopefully I will be able to afford to get some of the things I would like to have. I don't necessarily need them. I'd just like to have them.
Well, later gators!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Been a very long time
I got my issue of Paper Crafts Magazine and found that World Cardmaking Day is on October 3rd. Not only that but they have a contest where you can choose to make an original card and submit it by October 12th and win prizes. 20 lucky winners! Looks like they have a fantastic prize pool there as well. So that's what I will be doing.
I'll also be posting more on my own blog. I've signed up to read so many blogs and am getting so many ideas for cards and other things, that the joy and anticipation is slowly seeping back into my tired old bones.
Yesterday I had another birthday. I think I quit celebrating them a few years ago but the family keeps insisting on telling me Happy Birthday. Well, I can't take that away from them. I love them so much.
Look for me to start posting my crafts in here. I hope you will like them.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Michaels is adding so many new things!
Now if they would only get new Cuttlebug embossing folders and new Sizzix dies, my Cuttlebug would be very happy. I will be uploading more pictures of things I complete as I get them done. Right now I'm very involved in watching Big Brother both on TV and on Real so my crafting has kind of fallen by the wayside.
So I hope you're getting more done than I am. Later gators!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well, just a couple of more cards to share. The first card is done using an Inkadinkadoo stamp for a card swap that I'm in. It's for the birds. I used my Martha Stewart border punch for the border on the dark brown paper. I used my Loew's coloring pencils to color in the bird.
The next card is done with a penguin stamp and I used Glossy Accents to make the penguins stand out. I also used Stickles on the $1 Studio G border stamps. I'm not much on pink, but this looked cool that way.
The last card was done with Studio G $1 bird stamps. I used Glimmer Mist on the background paper behind the birds. Sometimes we just need to take the time to enjoy the simple things in life instead of running crazily through each day.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Well I have been busy. I've been in so many swaps at SplitCoastStampers and I finally have a break to upload some pictures of cards I have made for a swap. I am very proud of one card because it's just pretty. The other three are pretty basic cards. I'm new to making cards, but I love it! This card was made with Inkadinkadoo clear stamps! I used Memento Dew Drop dye ink pads to ink both the big bird and the background birds. I put some Stickles on the larger bird to add a little zest. This card turned out really well.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Things are changing in the swap forums at SCS. I think it's good change. Change comes hard to people, even me, but sometimes it's for the best all the way around. If the mods and owners didn't have to deal with complaints about hostesses or participants flaking out, then there would have been no need for the change. I'm all for trying something new as long as I have warning.
I can't believe I've signed up for 20 swaps over there. I love that place. The people are nice and everyone is so talented. Much more talented than I have seen at the other place where I used to be. I'm working on some 6x6 alphabet cards for children in one swap and then I had purchased all these $1 Studio G stamps at Michaels and now I've got ATCs and cards to make in another swap using only those stamps. Interesting, thought provoking and tiring! But it's a good tired because at the end of it all, I get something cool in return.
Later gators!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Why aren't you involved in swaps? I was afraid to do these at first, but once I started it seems like all I do are swaps anymore. I do, however, continue to scrapbook on a minimal basis.
Plus I find myself spending time in the Arcade at Yakkity Yaks. And on the forums there and at SCS. Why is that? Because there are such amazing people at YY and SCS. They are friendly, funny and sometimes downright nuts! I fit in!
Anyway, I'm off to do what I have to do. Wish I could remember to pictures up here. I also wish I could decorate this blog somehow, but nothing I try looks right.
Friday, March 27, 2009
But today I went back to sb.com just to read around. Funny how things never change! Maybe I should say some women never change. And some women finally show their true colors. If you want to make true friendships based on your shared hobby, I'd suggest never letting anyone at sb.com know that you voted for Obama, have a brain, can stand on your own two feet and basically don't need, or want, to hear about how great you are, how you went to so much trouble, how you believe in this or that, when in actuality all you are doing is making yourself look really narcissistic and petty. Kinda blows the whole friendship thing. This is why, sorry Tim Holtz, I won't purchase anything at sb.com online store either. I don't want to give them money to support a forum for some of the wenches that post there. (I'm being very nice when using the word "wench").
So I joined 17 swaps at SCS. Sent in 4 and then turned around and joined 4 more. So now I am participating in 18 swaps! I love them! I love making things and sending them out to get things from others who share this passion. It's cool to see what others make and/or interpret. I'm even getting into cards, bookmarks, gift tags, and these new things called scraplings. Yeah, I know. I mailed everything off without taking pictures. I'm a ditz. But when you're on a timeline it's just hard to get it all done and then try to remember to take a picture. But I will do that this weekend.
Just in case....you can find me on Facebook as well. I don't let many people onto my Facebook page because it's basically just a few friends and my family. But maybe you'd be special, so who knows?
Have a great weekend!
Friday, March 6, 2009
It's officially the weekend...
I went to Michaels and finally bought some of Tim Holtz's fragment charms. These are so cool and I have tons of ideas. I also purchased one of his masks sets that he has. I'm waiting for them to get in his stamps so I can purchase a few of those. I really am going to watch his demos again because there are so many things I can learn. I love the type of stuff that he does and want to do the same thing.
Ok, I'm really tired so I don't feel much like blogging on and on. I hope everyone has a great weekend. And to my darling granddaughter, feel better soon. Grandma and Granddad love you!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Rush Limbaugh. He's an idiot of the highest order. And THIS is who Republican conservatives look to? Puh-lease. He's all about "MEMEMEMEME" and not about anything that has to do with bringing this country back together. He hopes the President fails? Shoot, I didn't like Bush and I never HOPED he fail. Why not? Because if a President fails, that means WE fail. WE...the entire country....fail. This is no longer funny. This is no longer who has the biggest amount of votes in the Congress. This should no longer be about one party over the other. This should be about all of US (the first two letters in the US of A). This isn't about who has the biggest wallet and the most things or any of it. I suggest that Rush take Ann Coulter, Michael Moore and Alex Baldwin and go back into the caves from whence they came and stop with the divisionary tactics they use. With people around spouting off like they do, it's no wonder there's still a dividing line among the rest of us.
I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. You know why? Because when you label yourself as something, you become part of a group mindset. You don't have your OWN opinion but you have everyone else's opinion as well. You make it seem as if yours is the only right opinion. There is no compromise. There is no communication. Because any other way is the wrong way when it doesn't conform to your opinions and/or beliefs. Well, get this. There's more ways than just yours. Maybe a little communication and compromise could work if you'd get over yourselves. So here's what I figured out. Nancy Pelosi, build a friggin' bridge and get over yourself. And while you're doing that, take some of your idiot compatriots with you. And yo, Republicans, get your toys and get back in the sandbox. You had your chance for 6 years and this is what happens. And the rest of you Democrats, try reaching across the aisle and doing a little compromising. Maybe those of us who are moderates would know you care about us as well instead of just those who lined your political coffers or voted for you.
Take a lesson from Senators Nelson and Specter. Compromise ain't a bad thing. And this country badly needs for the two political parties to quit acting like children and get it together for US....all of US. It's not about which party is in power or wins, it's about how you win for the entire country. And last I checked, none of us was born into a political party. We were born Americans. And THAT should be all it's about.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
BUT I will purchase from Stampers Anonymous. All the reviews I've read about them are very upbeat and positive and that tells me a lot about the quality of their customer service and their belief in their products.
I realize that I am putting down scrapbook.com which is one of Tim's mentions in his blog, but my experiences there have shown me that I can't support a place that smacks of favoritism towards a small clique of longtime posters. If you run a board, you should be equal across that board in the way you deal with people. They should take a long look at how they treat those who don't post frequently or who don't have very much stuff in their gallery. Oh, but I digress.
I watched 3 of the new demos by Tim Holtz and he just does amazing things. I wish I was half as good as he is. But he's been at this longer than me, so I guess that will come.
Question of the day for all you thinkers out there: If the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
And no, there probably isn't an answer. Just wanted to make ya'll go "hmmmmmmmmm"......
Friday, February 27, 2009
I don't get why a bunch of women have to act like they are in high school. Their little clique is annoying. Their belief that they act in a Christian manner is ridiculous. They are the biggest hypocrites I've ever had the displeasure to post on a forum with. Come on! Spout a Bible verse or two at me. Shoot, I'm a Christian and I don't treat people as badly as they treated quite a few posters I've known and cared about.
But that's all beside the point. I'll stop about them now.
I went to Hobby Lobby today and finally got some Memento dye ink pads. I needed these because I discovered that the pigment ink doesn't dry very fast on the alcohol ink. Well, you have to make mistakes before you can correct them, if you know what I mean? So I'm going to be trying these out and see how things go. I bought the cutest little stamp of a bunny holding Easter eggs. Just adorable!
So this weekend I'm working on my swaps. I know I've promised to post pictures, but for some reason I just can't figure it out at this point. But I will! I have some neat vampire, werewolf, witchy ATCs to show before I mail them out. And I'm going to be working on some gift tags as well. I can hardly wait to see what this new ink can do. I heard it was pretty good.
Later gators!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Another day
I've been working on some ATCs for a swap I'm in. I've entered a ton of swaps at splitcoaststampers. com because I love doing ATCs and I want to branch out from doing scrapbooking to other paper crafts. Now I've joined a swap for something called "scraplings". These look like leftover scrap cards. Kinda cool! I know it's just one more thing I will become addicted to as I get to working on these marvelous little mini-cards.
I've spent most of my time in my scrap room trying to get my brain to function around what I want to do. Right now I'm working on vampires, werewolves, witches ATCs for a swap. Such a dark subject around Valentine's Day, but I love it. I just finished my fantasy ATCs for another swap and plan to mail them out this coming week. I love it when I get so many neat ones back. I keep them in a binder in those baseball trading card sleeves. It will hold 9 ATCs and works well. Then when I want to, I can just flip through the book and look at the ATCs I've collected so far.
I'm going to upload some pictures. I swear I am. I've just gotten lazy about doing it. And then, of course, I'm always over at Yakkity Yaks playing games in the arcade. That usually takes up a lot of time.
Well, toodles people!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I plan on making some Easter cards and other things and I'll post them here and upload them at splitcoaststampers.com which is one of my favorite forums.
I also found a new place called Paper Craft Planet where I'll upload pictures as well. There are so many different forums where you can talk to others in the craft of paper, stamps and scrapbooking. You don't have to be stuck with just one place. And one may fit what you need better than the other.
I've found that Two Peas in a bucket is a pretty remarkable site as well. Plus you can shop there with reasonable prices and wonderful customer service. There are very knowledgeable people and you can talk about anything on that forum.
But make sure you check out Yakkity Yaks. Now if you're looking for a fun forum with GREAT people and various opinions on everything, that IS the place to be. It's a marvelous, new place. Like I said in a previous post here, they even have an Arcade and run tournaments. No, you don't get money, but boy it's fun. And highly competitive!!!
So that's all for now, but stop back by. I'll hopefully have some more pictures up when you do.
Friday, February 6, 2009
It's always nice to have someone to create with. Sometimes her ideas are so much better than mine. Sometimes we both have the same idea at the same time but envision different color schemes.
So the weather this weekend will be pretty nice on Saturday and rainy on Sunday. But that's pretty cool. At least we'll have one good weekend day since Thursday and Friday were nice but I had to work.
As soon as I get some more stuff finished, I'll post it up.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I don't have much to say today. It's Super Bowl Sunday and I think our son and his family are coming over after church later, but I don't know for sure. Either way, I'll be working on more ATCs and some greeting cards. I found the directions for a small box to put small candy in and I thought I'd try that. I'd like to give some treats to my coworkers for Easter as a surprise.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Well first thing was to head to Hobby Lobby after work to pick up some more alcohol inks. I've started playing around with these just to see what kind of effects I can create. They'll come in handy for the ATCs I'm making. The only problem is that I can't find glossy cardstock. Now why is that? They have glossy cards, but I don't want cards. I guess I could just buy them and use them, but then the envelopes are leftover. I really don't want to pay for cards with envelopes when I know I won't use the envelopes for the cards I make. Oh well! Tomorrow I'll head to Michaels and see if I get lucky there.
My daughter and husband also went with me. It's always fun to take my husband into a craft store. He just wanders around behind me. Sometimes though he goes off and finds something he'd like to have. He does draw very well so it's usually something to do with art. My daughter walks around picking out stuff she thinks I need. She's 23 and 95 percent of the time she picks out JUST what I need. So it's always good to have them along although we end up spending more money.
Well, that's it for today. Not much really going on. Have a great weekend, ya'll!! I'll be back tomorrow---hopefully with a few pictures of some ATCs that I've made.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's Thursday
I'm in several swaps over at SCS for ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) and gift tags so I will be working on those over the weekend. I will try to get some pictures uploaded to share with everyone.
I've been reading blogs about CHA this past week. Everyone who attended seemed excited about all the new products coming out in the next few months. Basic Grey, my favorite line of paper, has 3 new styles that I truly want: Marrakech, Porcelain and Wisteria. They also have one called Lime Reality but I'm not sure that I really like the bright colors. Others might. Just not my style. I did see their Bittersweet papers and want them as well. They're already out.
Then there's Tim Holtz. I've watched his demo videos several times. First because he's just adorable. Second, because he's so talented. It is because of those videos that I delved into distress inks, crackle medium and now alcohol inks. Next thing you know I'll be using the masks!!! Hard to imagine! And grungeboard? Oh I love that stuff. Of course it has this strange smell when you first open the package, but it goes away completely after a few hours. No worries!
I've grown addicted to Stickles as well. And when I don't want that glittery-glitter look, I like the Distressed Stickles. They tone it down and it give that oldie but goodie look. Love that stuff!
I've wanted a Bind-It-All for months now. Unfortunately it's not high on my list of things I can afford to get. But it sure looks like fun to make all those books and bind them yourselves. I can use it. But I'm a patient person. I'll wait.
Next I noticed that Inkadinkadoo has come out with more Inchie stamps. These are so cute. They are perfect for ATCs. I plan on purchasing some of those this weekend. Just love the way they look.
Now on to something different. I was lurking around a scrapbooking board and it was interesting the topic of conversation that came up. It was about "judging". Within the midst of some well-written posts, there was reference to the political threads that were up during the election. During that time there was a lot of rudeness and name-calling from both sides of the fence. Today I read that some feel that it was a shame others couldn't discuss things without doing that. Funny, but I recall some of that rudeness coming right from that horse's mouth along with a couple of others. Pot, kettle, black, my dear? It's amazing how people can start a thread about "judging" yet they are the most judgmental people around. And once again, the "authority" on Scripture in the Bible rears its ugly head.
I do judge people. Not on the basis of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc., and not immediately upon meeting them. I judge them as I get to know them. It's a fact of life. We all judge each other. Some people judge others based on their political beliefs. Some people judge you on your religious beliefs. Personally I prefer to judge you on how you treat me and those around us. Now I do, however, judge people's clothes--like mixing two different plaids together. Can anyone say "fashion police"? But it's the superficial stuff that I judge on. Once I get to know someone, I can judge whether I really want to have them in my life or not. And based on some of the women at this board, I wouldn't want them on my block.
Oh well, life's just full of bitches!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A great little board to join
There is a political section that allows discussion tempered with maturity. We don't all agree, but we do agree to disagree. It's better that way.
There's a complete section for all reality TV shows that someone might watch. One for celebrities, movies, music, regular TV shows, news, weather, creative forums, etc.
Please stop by and see what a great little board this is. Here's the link:
Hello scrappers and papercrafters
Just make sure you have a thick skin in some instances. People can be blunt (I am like that myself) and so you have to make sure you can handle that kind of bluntness.
For me, I was a member for 3 years on another forum and I started getting the heebie jeebies when the "etiquette threads" started over there. Frankly I'm too old for people to tell me how to post or leave comments in a gallery or when I should or when I shouldn't. I just don't have time for people to try to tell me how to be polite. Whatever. Seems to me like when you point fingers at someone you ought to be aware of those three fingers pointing back at yourself. We call that "pot, kettle, black" syndrome. A lot of people have that. I certainly do. I don't fault people for it. You should just know that you are doing it.
Because a few "special" people at that forum were starting to portray a sense of entitlement there, I started removing my uploads from the gallery. Frankly I didn't want to associate with people who thought they "ran" the forums even though they will tell you that this is simply not true. Anytime a thread was started about etiquette they were right there to tell you the proper way to do it. Anytime a thread was started about scraplifting, they were there to tell you to credit the person each and every time even if you only scraplifted the placing of a ribbon or picture on a scrapbook page.
Not only that but there were those who would call others names just because the others did not agree with their political point of view. And spouting Bible verses? Oh my. My question to them would be "What would Jesus say to you for being bullies?" Being called a troll or a drama mama got old after awhile. Rude and ignorant is not a great character trait to have and these people have it in spades.
But more on that. As I lurk around the forums and see what I shall see, the three boards I have previously mentioned by name in this blog are my favorites. They are truly worth visiting. The other board holds itself above Two Peas because they deem themselves not "vicious". I'm here to tell you differently.